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"In the work of Lenny Rébéré there is  a significant part left to the absurd. Here, the artist has condensed more than ten hours of videos recorded by an amateur in the 1990s, this stranger focused his objective on the bodybuilding bodies of certain men present on Venice Beach. These are hours of VHS rush during which these men train, strut, scrutinize the bodies of others. It is then a funny game that looms on this advertising screen. The violent pixels outline bodies that have become consumer products. Thus move in front of us, hunters who have become prey. Something to think about as to the importance of sport and muscles in the construction of an ideal of hegemonic masculinity. "

Camille Bardin, excerpt from the text written for the exhibition Boys don't cry - 2020 - Le Houloc

Beefcake, 2020, compilation of amateur videos, advertising LED screen, 20min, 130 x 100 cm (extract)

#0 - Le Houloc _ Boys Don't Cry _ Curated by Camille Bardin.jpg
#8 - Le Houloc _ Boys Don't Cry _ Romain Vicari - Lenny Rébéré.jpg
#5 - Le Houloc _ Boys Don't Cry _ Curated by Camille Bardin.jpg
#9 - Le Houloc _ Boys Don't Cry _ Romain Vicari - Lenny Rébéré.jpg

Views of the exhibition Boys don't cry - 2020 - curated by Camille Bardin - Le Houloc - with Mathieu Roquigny, Romain Vicari and Jean Claracq.

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