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"Vertigo" instills in the heart of works or between them a seductive disturbance. Each image becomes a residue of a general fragmented and silent frame. For several years, Lenny Rébéré has built up a vast atlas in the form of a digital database on which thousands of images taken daily from the Internet are listed. If he draws some of his subjects from it, he completes here his selection of personal photographs taken during  his holidays. This mixture underlines the porosity between micro-stories and collective memory in the visual writing of history. Landscapes, lascivious bodies, close-up faces or divers then appear like afterimages, concealing a strange familiarity. Unstable indices of the “information cloud” generated by globalization, where everything is a pretext to be processed and then archived, the artist leads each of his images to the threshold of their crystallization [...]. The colored filters that cover the glass plates also set the tone. They give an artificial appearance  performances while accentuating their seductive effect. These color gradients, like a whim, pervert the images, veiling them with a twilight atmosphere, between reverie and erotic melancholy.

Thomas Fort - 2021 - "Vertigo" (excerpt)


Views of the personal exhibition Vertigo - 2021 - Galerie Isabelle Gounod - Photo credit Rebecca Fanuele

Vertigo, 2021, verre gravé et encré, écran led, encadrement métal, 120 x 150 x10cm, crédit

Vertigo , 2021,  etched and inked glass, colored film, video on LED panel, metal frame, 150 x 120 cm

vertigo 4, 2021, verre gravé et encré, film coloré, encadrement métal, 200x70cm, crédit ph

Vertigo 2 and 4 , 2021,  engraved and inked glasses, colored films, metal frames, 205 x 60 cm and 200 x 70 cm


Vertigo 4 , 2021,  etched and inked glass, colored film, video on LED panel, metal frame, 104 x 187 cm

Landscape, 2021, verre gravé et encré, 200x20 cm(x4)crédit photo Mathieu Roquigny.jpg

Landscape, 2021,  engraved and inked glasses, colored films, 200 x 20 cm (x4)


Vertigo 5 , 2021,  engraved and inked glass, colored film, metal frame, 70 x 160 cm


Vertigo 6 and 7 , 2021,  engraved and inked glasses, colored films, metal frames, video on LED panel, 168 x 64 cm and 93 x 62 cm

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